• 译者

    Martinez Gonzalez

    翻译家,汉语老师。大学所学专业为拉美文学,大学毕业开始学中文。之后在北京语言大学继续学中文。2007年在墨西哥学院亚非中心攻读硕士,专修中国当代文学。曾翻译叶多多等《澜沧拉祜女子日常生活》等作品。Adriana Martínez González (Mexico)Currently teaching Chinese at Centro de Idiomas Esmeralda.She began translating Ye Duoduo’s works over the last two years, particularly The Life of Women from Lancang L
    墨西哥 0 5100
  • 影视译制专家

    Analia Claudia Albarenque

    来自墨西哥的一家娱乐公司。公司已发展十余年,客户遍及美国,中国,伊朗,阿根廷和墨西哥。有5个工作室,其中2个专门为混合演出准备。并对演出,家庭视频和VOE 有配音服务。
    墨西哥 0 4291
  • 译者

    Liljana Arsovska

    墨西哥 0 3835
  • 汉学家

    Romer Cornejo

    1969-1975, Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas, BA in History; 1975-1978, El Colegio de México, MA In Chinese Studies; 1979-1982, Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela, BA Teacher of History of Asia; 1983-1984, Universidad Iberoamericana, México, BA Teacher of History of Asia; 1984-, El Colegio de México,
    墨西哥 0 3483
  • 译者


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  • 汉学家


    GUILLERMO PULIDO GONZÁLEZ is a graduate of the Faculty of Economics of the UNAM and doctor of Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Malaga, Spain. Since 1980 he joined the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) where he has been a professor and researcher in subjects related
    墨西哥 0 3826
  • 译者

    Edmundo Borja Navarro

    Edmundo Borja Navarro completed his undergraduate studies in Administration at the School of Accounting and Administration of the UNAM. He completed a Master's Degree in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language at the Faculty of Culture and Chinese Language of the Beijing Normal University, taught
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